Monday, 8 February 2010

Rebuilding my development area

I thought it was about time to get around to rebuilding my development area, for a few reasons:

1) Housekeeping - My dev area was getting a lot of junk floating around, and rather than just go through and delete, I thought it better to restart

2) About time I upgraded to perl-5.10.1

3) I need to start up a VM soon, and thought it a good opportunity to set make notes about what was needed

4) cpan/cpanplus wasn't working for me

5) I've never had GD working properly, and I could be about to lose my desktop at work

So plenty of reasons. I also wanted to try to structure how I setup various apps, so that it should (in theory) be easier to upgrade an of them. Getting further on, I think this might not be so worthwhile, but at least it's a try.

Here is 'What I Have Done' so far



mkdir dev
cd dev

This gives me a base dev directory to use


mkdir perl

Download the version of perl you want to install

mkdir perl/ (i.e. mkdir perl/5.10.1)

Unarchive the download and go into the directory for created from unarchiving and do the following

./Configure -des -Dprefix=$HOME/dev/perl/
make test (go away and make a cup of tea)
make install

This will now give you in $HOME/dev/perl/ the bin/, lib/ and man/ directories

Once you have done this, symlink this version to $HOME/dev/perl/current, and add $HOME/dev/perl/current/bin to $PATH

This should make your default perl $HOME/dev/perl/current/bin/perl

Since you have done this, if you now want to download and try another perl, then you can do the same, and just switch the current softlink


You need to download

unpack and install


cd freetype-2.3.11
./configure --prefix=$HOME/dev
make install
cd ..

(need to look at)
cd jpeg-8
./configure --prefix=$HOME/dev --enable-shared --enable-static
make install
cd ..


cd zlib-1.2.3
./configure --prefix=$HOME/dev
make install
cd ..

[edit] libpng-1.2.x

cd libpng-1.2.x
CFLAGS="-I$HOME/dev/include" LDFLAGS="-L$HOME/dev/lib" ./configure --prefix=$HOME/dev
make install
cd ..

[edit] gd-2.0.35

cd gd-2.0.35
CFLAGS="-I$HOME/dev/include" LDFLAGS="-L$HOME/dev/lib" ./configure --prefix=$HOME/dev --with-png=$HOME/dev --with-freetype=$HOME/dev --with-jpeg=$HOME/dev
make INCLUDEDIRS="-I. -I$HOME/dev" LIBDIRS="-L$HOME/dev" LIBS="-lgd -lpng -lz -lm" CFLAGS="-O -DHAVE_LIBPNG"
make install

For these, I chose not to create individual versions of them. You will also note that libpng is 1.2 and jpeg is V8 but says need to look at, since this doesn't seem to work with this version of gd. However, since I mostly create png images, I'm not too concerned at this time. Must sort it though eventually.


This is needed for installation of some CPAN modules

Follow instructions on how to install, using $HOME/dev as the prefix

Again, no version specific route taken

SLEEPYCAT libdb-4:

Download from Oracle

unarchive latest version and install

cd build_unix/
../dist/configure --prefix=$HOME/dev
make install

Again, no version specific route, and needed for some CPAN modules

CPAN modules:

cpanp is the recommended method to download and install modules from cpan



and the interactive shell will be launched

If this is the first time, then enter the following

s conf prereqs 1; s save

This will save some of the hassle of needing to confirm installation of required modules

These are chosen because I need to set up a webserver, I work in a Bio place, and some are personal choice. Obviously, if you need others, or not some of these, then pick and choose. They are also loaded in this order for convenience and dependencies.

To install a cpan module, just type


i Bundle::LWP
i LWP::Parallel::UserAgent
i YAML::Tiny
i Module::Build
i Module::PortablePath
i Task::Moose (select all the optional loads)
i IO::Stringy
i Calendar::Simple
i List::MoreUtils (This had a checksum error, so manually downloaded)
i DateTime
i DateTime::Format::ICal
i iCal::Parser
i Digest::SHA1
i Class::Std
i Crypt::CBC
i Crypt::Blowfish
i MIME::Lite
i DBD::mysql # force install if you've no test database available, also requires the mysql client development headers - mysql_config needs to be in your $PATH (probably ~/dev/bin).
i DBD::SQLite
i Tie::IxHash
i XML::XPathEngine
i XML::Parser (again, I got a dodgy md5)
i XML::XPath
i HTML::TreeBuilder
i XML::Simple
i XML::Handler::YAWriter
i XML::Filter::BufferText
i Jcode
i Spreadsheet::WriteExcel
i Unicode::Map
i Apache::DBI
i Readonly (another dodgy md5)
i XML::FeedLite (causes lots of prereqs to be installed - would suggest a cup of tea if you have selected auto download of prereqs)
i Chart::OFC
i Digest::SHA
i Ace # force install if fails to make as it may have problems connecting to Ace database during tests
i Bio::ASN1::EntrezGene # force install if fails as it looks as though for tests it needs a non-existent CPAN module
i Bundle::BioPerl
i GD (Why has this failed tests?)
i B/BI/BIRNEY/bioperl-1.4.tar.gz # Requires sleepycat libdb-4 to pass tests
i Bio::Das
i Bio::Das::Lite
i App::Ack

manually download and install DB_File - as you need to Change to point at dev/lib and dev/include
manually download and install BerkeleyDB - as you need to Change as above.


Apache = httpd-2.2.14;

in dev, mkdir -p apache/2.2.14
cd apache
ln -s 2.2.14/ current

This gives space to install this version of apache into, and a softlink to the version we want to use (similar to perl above)

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/dev/lib
./configure --prefix=$HOME/dev/apache/2.2.14 LDFLAGS="-L/$HOME/dev/lib"

add $HOME/dev/apache/current/bin to $PATH

mod_perl 2.0:

Get latest version of 2.0
$HOME/dev/bin/perl Makefile.PL
# follow instructions, e.g. apxs is at $HOME/dev/apache/current/bin/apxs

make install

Change/create the $HOME/dev/apache/current/conf/httpd.conf and $HOME/dev/apache/current/conf/perlconfig.ini as you need to.


Now the biggie. Catalyst has lots of dependencies. It will take some time, plus it is interactive.
Just install everything - except the extra DBD supports.
You can do them in your own time, but they may make the Install fall over now, which you don't want.

i Task::Catalyst

If you have got through this, then congrats.

I have also downloaded into my dev area subversion and git, and have tried to do ImageMagick (although this is erroring that my C compiler won't compile executables, even though it has done svn and git).


Retrieve the latest version and dependency from
unpack both, the dependency folder should end up in the same directory, and will then be installed with svn

mkdir -p $HOME/dev/subversion/
cd $HOME/dev/subversion
ln -s current

cd into unpacked folder

./configure --prefix=$HOME/dev/subversion/ --eprefix=$HOME/dev/subversion/
make install

add $HOME/dev/subversion/current/bin to your $PATH

This will enable you to have/try multiple versions of svn in the same way as Perl and Apache above


Retrieve the latest version from

mkdir -p $HOME/dev/git/
cd $HOME/dev/git
ln -s current

make configure
./configure --prefix=$HOME/dev/git/
make install (had to do as root)


problem with my gcc version at this time

mkdir -p $HOME/dev/imageMagick/
cd $HOME/dev/imageMagick
ln -s current

./configure PREFIX=/Users/ajb/dev/imageMagick/6.5.9 EXEC-PREFIX=/Users/ajb/dev/imageMagick/6.5.9 LIBS=-l/Users/ajb/dev/lib --enable-shared --disable-static

After this, you should have a nice fairly 'clean' version of a dev area. If you want ot install other stuff, then I would recommend the method suggested for versioning the download you have. (I can also recommend the MOCA installation idea for mysql, although I choose to not have that in my dev area).

Once inside this, I then create folders for my projects, using svn or git to version control within those folders, just adding the directories to my path as I need to.

Note: I am using MAC OSX Leopard. At times for the make install, I have needed to sudo make install. I accept no liability for anything that happens should you follow these instructions on any system, but hope that they might be useful for anyone who would like to set up a dev/test area, but are not sure how to go about it.


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