April 1st
So, a lot to blog about from day 2. Don't feel you need to read it all, and some may hardly be a revelation to most, but part of the purpose of this blog is also for my own record of what occurred and what I learnt, so you'll have to bear with me.
We did a lot of working within our own apps today, doing little bits of lecture, and then seeing if it can be applied.
I seem to have picked a good little app to work on, as it does forms, and needs associations, which was some of what we worked on today. (Looking through my notes again, please note that some of these are my interpretations of the discussions an what notes I grabbed, so may not be the whole truth, or even everything David said)
The first lecture bit started on the "Request Cycle".
tThis was hardly a revelation to myself, but was nice to see it formalised. Basically, all rails apps work on the idea of a request cycle.
A user clicks somewhere (to launch the application, a hyperlink, sends a form...)
Mongrel sets off a dispatcher, which goes to routing system to load share (if your server is set up this way)
then calls controller/action/params[x]
i.e. items/show/1
-> contr/act/params[:id]
It then takes items and adds up to make it items_controller.rb and looks for ItemsController class.
This is now just all in the hands of the ruby interpreter, the server is just waiting for a response, which it then sends back to the user.
The server then cares nothing about what happens until it receives another request from the user. Quite obvious, but it explains why new instances of the objects are created each time, whereas within a gui app, the program loads once, and then there are very few times that a new instance of an object would get created. However, the application expects further user input (even if it is just a kill command), whereas the Rails app doesn't. Even if you request a form, the rails app doesn't actually expect you to fill it in and send it back.
So what is happening during the ruby interpreter phase.
firstly it creates an instance or object of the controller
controller = ItemsController.new
and then looks for an action on that instance of the given name
passing in the params[:id] if given
now by default active record objects know that they should render a view with the same name, but you can use the render method to render another template. They also know how to render themselves as xml by default.
render :xml => @item
or you could use a redirect, but this starts a new request cycle (sends a 302 to the user/client, which the goes back to mongrel), which therefore needs to reassign and item id (and any other params that might need to pass through)
(update doesn't typically have an update.html.erb, as you usually want a redirect or to render the form again)
render uses the changed values, whereas redirect sets a new instance, which then enables the wrong values to propagate through to the rendered template
before_filter command
before_filter :set_item,
:only => ['edit', 'udpate', 'show']
this would cause set_item action to run before the stated actions
This is good, because it then enforces use of the correct variable use, and then, should you end up with a blank action (ie: def show;end) because the set_item does everything, then it will jump through and render the show.html.erb file, without even needing def show;end to be there at all
Now, instance variables are how the controller talks to the views, but in this case the instance variable does not belong purely to self, as
self in controller is a controller object
self in view is an ActionView::Base object
when rails hands off a variable to the view, it walks through the array and sets its type to the ActionView::Base,
so they don't technically share them.
Before lunch we looked at non-default associations. This got very interesting for my app YADB, we found a plugin which allowed nested has many through associations.
belongs_to :auction (gives methods from Auction)
belongs_to :bidder, :class_name => "User" (enables User to be used as a bidder, but no bidder object)
self.bidder = User.new(x)
has_many :bids, :foreign_key => "bidder_id" (sets the use of a different foreign key as otherwise would look for bids_id)
has_many :auctions_held, :class_name => "Auction", :foreign_key => "seller_id"
(combination of the previous two)
has_many :auctions_bid_on (no class), :through => :bids,
:source => :auction, (however you got there, I want to know via bid.auction)
:uniq => true (creates many to many relationship, but with useful join table with it's own model)
define singleton methods on the association
has_many :bids do
def average_interval
i = 0.0
inject {|a,b| i += b.created_at = a.created_at; b }
i / (size-1)/ 1.day
A bit on inject:
it is a method on enumerable
[1,2,3,4].inject do |a,b|
1st time 1 is a, 2 is b
next time a is result of code block, b is the next element
1: a = 1, b = 2
2: a = 3, b = 3
3: a = 6, b = 4
also used with hashes (both are equivalent)
[1,2,3,4,5].inject({}) do |hash,e| hash[e] = e * 10; hash; end
[1,2,3,4,5].inject({}) do |hash,e| hash.update(e => e * 10); end
I had a problem about trying to link through 2 tables, with the following idea
class Disciplines < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :card_disciplines
has_many :cards, :through => :card_disciplines
has_many :vampires,
:through => :cards,
:source => :minion, :conditions => "minions.name = 'vampire'"
Now this isn't in 2.0.2, but there had been a lot of discussion about it. A patch has been submitted and the writers have created the following plugin
which works. David mentioned that the discussion about this has reached a point where he thought it had been incorporated, and may be in edge rails, but clearly didn't make the cut to 2.0.2
I hope that it makes it in, as when I first attempted YADB with 1.2, I was looking for some links like this. There is some discussion about how this hits the database, but it keeps the Rails pragma, instead of writing a SQL statement myself, and still only generated 1 single SQL statement. What more do you want?
We then looked at errors and validation.
ActiveRecord examines the object to decide if it is valid. If it fails, then it never even attempts to save the information in the database.
validates_size_of :name, minimum => 5
validates_size_of :name, maximum => 50
- > must be on separate lines
You can create your own validations by using validate
def validate
errors.add("name", "That's impossible") if name =~ /\d/
All ActiveRecord objects have and errors attribute. If the errors attribute is empty, then the object is valid
You can trap the errors if the database has the constraints on it that disallow data to be be saved, but do this via the controller, as you are expecting a big error, rather than a protection of the data integrity
This then lead onto forms and processing, starting with a bit on the difference between each and map
each vs map
each loops over 1 element at a time, and return value is the object
x = [1,2,3,4]
y = x.each {|e| puts e*10}
y.equal?(x) => true
map returns a mapping (an accumulator of the results of the block)
newx = x.map {|e| e* 10 }
newx => [10,20,30,40]
What goes on when you display and process forms
<% form_tag :action => 'update', :id => @item.id do %>
<p> name: <%= text_field 'item', 'name' %></p>
<p> year: <%= text_field 'item', 'year' %></p>
prepopulates these on form generation
then, for each first argument
and then
fields_for will allow you to override the default selected using form_for
<% form_for 'auction' :url => {:action => create} do |f| %>
<p>Title: <%= f.text_field "title" %></p>
<% fields_for 'item' do |fi| %>
<p>Description: <%= fi.text_field 'description' %>
<% end %>
<%= submit_tag %>
<% end %>
errors which occur get wrapped with a <div class="fieldWithErrors"></div> which causes the box to jump down beneath the title.
This means you could style it
You can change it.
It calls a proc, which is a function and you can replace it.
Lazy (in environment.rb, should be an initializer)
ActionView::Base.field_error_proc = Proc.new {|a.b|
"<p>Andy's placeholder</p>"
This is an executable object that I can call again and again when I want it.
Look on google with 'field_error_proc'
The final lecture session was our daily dose of ruby. We were looking at the singleton method. This was interesting to find out, as we looked the singleton class, and a bit on how an object looks to find if it has a method.
The method lookup path
1) The object's singleton class
- modules mixed into singleton class
2) The object's class
- modules mixed into object's class
3) The object's superclass
- modules mixed into object's superclass
repeat 3 as needed until
a) kernel
To open the singleton class definition for self
class << self
this is a very frequent idiom for class methods, and means if you have lots of
def self.method
then you can save the 'self.' by
class << self
def method
def another_singleton_method
To demonstrate this, I'll just dump here the irb that I did whilst trying this, and that will be all from day 2. Looking forward to day 3.
guest095:~ ajb$ irb
>> class Person; attr_accessor :name; end
=> nil
>> andy = Person.new
=> #<Person:0x5a2abc>
>> class << andy
>> def talk
>> puts "Hi"
>> end
>> end
=> nil
>> andy.talk
=> nil
>> aclass = Person
=> Person
>> aclass.methods
=> ["to_yaml_style", "inspect", "private_class_method", "const_missing", "clone", "method", "public_methods", "public_instance_methods", "yaml_as", "instance_variable_defined?", "method_defined?", "superclass", "equal?", "freeze", "included_modules", "const_get", "to_yaml_properties", "methods", "respond_to?", "module_eval", "class_variables", "dup", "instance_variables", "protected_instance_methods", "to_yaml", "__id__", "public_method_defined?", "eql?", "object_id", "require", "const_set", "id", "send", "singleton_methods", "taguri", "class_eval", "taint", "require_gem", "instance_variable_get", "frozen?", "yaml_tag_class_name", "taguri=", "include?", "private_instance_methods", "instance_of?", "__send__", "private_method_defined?", "to_a", "name", "yaml_tag_read_class", "autoload", "type", "new", "<", "instance_eval", "gem", "protected_methods", "<=>", "display", "==", ">", "===", "instance_method", "instance_variable_set", "extend", "kind_of?", "protected_method_defined?", "const_defined?", ">=", "ancestors", "to_s", "<=", "public_class_method", "allocate", "class", "hash", "private_methods", "=~", "tainted?", "instance_methods", "class_variable_defined?", "untaint", "nil?", "constants", "is_a?", "yaml_tag_subclasses?", "autoload?"]
>> dc = class << andy; self; end
=> #<Class:#<Person:0x5a2abc>>
>> dc
=> #<Class:#<Person:0x5a2abc>>
>> dc.instance_methods.sort
=> ["==", "===", "=~", "__id__", "__send__", "class", "clone", "display", "dup", "eql?", "equal?", "extend", "freeze", "frozen?", "gem", "hash", "id", "inspect", "instance_eval", "instance_of?", "instance_variable_defined?", "instance_variable_get", "instance_variable_set", "instance_variables", "is_a?", "kind_of?", "method", "methods", "name", "name=", "nil?", "object_id", "private_methods", "protected_methods", "public_methods", "require", "require_gem", "respond_to?", "send", "singleton_methods", "taguri", "taguri=", "taint", "tainted?", "talk", "to_a", "to_s", "to_yaml", "to_yaml_properties", "to_yaml_style", "type", "untaint"]
>> dc.instance_methods(false)
=> ["name", "talk", "name="]
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