Friday 6 November 2009

Extending a Role attribute

Not so much a blog post, more a blog question.

When you are 'extend'ing a Moose base class, Attributes can be extended

package Super::Hero;
use Moose;

has q{super_abilitity} => (isa => q{Str}, is => q{rw});


package My::Hero;
use Moose;
extends qw{Super::Hero};

has q{+super_abilitity} => (required => 1);


However, in this case, I would like Super::Hero to be a Role to be consumed by some class.

package Super::Hero;
use Moose::Role;

has q{super_abilitity} => (isa => q{Str}, is => q{rw});


However, the following doesn't work:

package My::Hero;
use Moose;

with qw{Super::Hero};

has q{+super_abilitity} => (required => 1);


The required 'extension' is just ignored. I have to actually declare the whole attribute again.

package My::Hero;
use Moose;

with qw{Super::Hero};

has q{super_abilitity} => (isa => q{Str}, is => q{ro}, required => 1);


I can't find anything in CPAN Documentation to confirm or deny that this the deliberate design. Does anyone have any suggestions as to any solutions to this?

Any help appreciated.


Unknown said...

That's because you "consume" roles not "extend" them. Thus all your "My::Hero" class needs to do to get the "Super::Hero" "super_ability" is to include the following line of code:

with 'Super::Hero';

Unknown said...

Thanks for your reply.

I was really wondering if there is a way to alter something you are consuming, rather than needing to overwrite it. It looks like that seems to be a rule of Roles, you don't get to tamper with them, just not use (exclude and/or overwrite) their attributes/methods.

But again, thankyou for taking the time to reply. BTW, where are you a Computer Biologist in Cambridge, UK?

Unknown said...

Forget where are you working question, I found out that we both work at the Sanger through my boss. I could be interested in discussing you module at some time.